We are digital inclusion experts

We specialise in promoting and developing digital inclusion through a Digital Champion approach.

Digital Champions are a proven, scalable, sustainable and cost-effective way to build digital skills & confidence. 

The public sector, charities, community groups and business all have a crucial role in developing digital inclusion and skills, both in the workplace and in the community.

With more than 25 years’ experience supporting organisations across all sectors to deliver digital inclusion, we can help you with a Champion approach.

Women smiling at computer

How do we help?

We provide everything you need to to set up and run successful programmes based around Digital Champions.

  • Award winning online training & resources to turn staff and volunteers into confident Digital Champions who can help others.
  • A structured framework to set up and run Champions programmes and on-going support for Champions and Project Managers.
  • Tools to measure progress and monitor impact.
  • Practical consultancy to target energy and resources in the right places, and to learn and grow ever-more successful programmes. 

Establishing a strong partnership with a trusted delivery partner like Digital Unite, who is willing to go that extra mile to meet our high quality standards and the needs of our highly valued volunteers, has been a key factor in creating our successful Digital Champion programme.

Steph Noyce
Head of Money and Digital, Clarion Futures
2 ladies laughing

Why does it matter?

We are a divided society. Nearly 20 million people have “low” or “very low” digital skills. That means nearly 40% of the adult population don’t have the skills needed to thrive in society today.  

We believe that we all have a responsibility to do something about this digital divide. And that every sector has a role in tackling digital inequality. 

2 people at a computer, with a menace sign on it, one has a learning disability

Who do we help?

We work for clients who want to help others access digital services. 

We're really proud of the range of people we work with: from small charities and social housing associations to health care providers and local authorities. We work extensively with private companies, including national telecoms companies and major financial institutions. 

A quick intro to our products

Some of our current clients
Anchor Hanover logo
Bath logo
Brent Council
Camden council logo
Capgemini logo
castles and coasts logo
Citizens Online logo
front page of inspire

Newsflash! Inspire for the Public Sector

We are delight to launch new version of Inspire, developed to help everyone in the public and voluntary sector think in digitally inclusive ways, across all departments and levels. The training raises awareness of digital inclusion; helps people understand how it affects their roles, their organisation and the people it serves and encourages them to make a difference.  It was co-designed in collaboration with six public sector organisations, who are currently rolling it out: Essex, Kent, Cambridgeshire, Barnet, Newham and Keele University.  If you're interested Inspire for your organisation, we'd love to talk to you!